Winter sports competition took place

24 january, 2024

    The 50th "Health-2024" sports day was organized by the "Parasat" trade union of KazNU named after Al-Farabi on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the black house between the OPK and employees. 768 people from 20 teams took part in the sports event, which was organized in the framework of Sustainable Development Goals [TDM-3] in order to improve the health of university employees and develop cooperative relations and collective consciousness. The team of the Faculty of Education before the Higher Education took an active part in the "Health-2024" sports day and held competitive meetings. During the game, our colleagues were enthusiastic fans and supported the faculty team. OPK and employees competed in seven sports: volleyball (men's, women's), chess, mini-football, badminton, table tennis, and the national game of togzkumalak. The winners in sports were awarded with diplomas and prizes of "Parasat" trade union. Winners of I-II-III places will be awarded at the scientific council. Sincerely congratulating the team of our faculty on winning the award, we wish good health to all participants and fans!