KazNU scientists designed a sampler to detect toxic substances

6 february, 2024

Scientists at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University have invented and designed a vacuum sampler. This device is designed for water sampling and detection of organic pollutants in aquatic environments.

According to Bagdat Satybaldiyev, head of the innovation project, this product is energy-independent, which makes it convenient to use.

"We do not have such devices in our country. This is the first Kazakhstani sampler that can collect about 300 samples. Similar devices exist in foreign countries such as Germany, the US and others. But they mostly work with electricity. And our product works regardless of energy and natural zones. This makes it much easier to work with samples," says the KazNU scientist.

This sampler has already been used by scientists on monitoring work on the ecological situation in the Syr Darya River valley. As a result, a number of organochlorine pesticides, fungicides and herbicides were detected in aquatic environments.

To date, scientists are working on obtaining a patent for this product. The prototype sampler is being tested in the United States. If successful, the university scientists intend to bring the new product to the market for commercialization.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univertsity