The revival of national ideas in the Turkic world and its influence on culture

7 february, 2024

On February 7, 2024, at the Faculty of History, in honor of the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a leadership lecture was held by the chief coordinator of the “Union of Turkic Museums” at TURKSOY, Doctor of Historical Sciences Cavid Mövsümlü on the topic “The revival of national ideas in the Turkic world and its influence on culture”, intended for students, undergraduates and doctoral students. The lecture was dedicated to the struggle for the democratic rights of representatives of the Turkic-speaking intelligentsia of the Muslim world, who made a great contribution to the education of the Turkic people. This event was attended by PhD doctoral student of the Department of Folklore at Hacettepe University of the Republic of Turkey, Executive Director of the Foundation of Turkic History and Culture “TURKTAV” Asel Lakhaeva, Dean of the Faculty of History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Baigunakov D.S., Professor of Hacettepe University Kilinckaya Mehmet Dervis. During the event, the head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor B.B. Karibaev. presented sources and information about the history and culture of Turkic-speaking peoples. Organizers of the meeting: candidate of historical sciences, professor Kozgambaeva G.B., candidate of historical sciences, associate. Prof. Dzholdybaeva U.М.