Search for alternative energy sources

12 february, 2024

Today it is known that the problem of finding an effective alternative to traditional energy sources is of concern to the entire world community. Including our country can be noted as a developing state with set directions, capable of self-sufficiency, rich in natural resources. Although production of underground raw materials and their export is economically beneficial at present, it can also save resources for the future. In this regard, the main point of common energy is the development of electricity production, the driver of the economy, the non-alternative direction of diversification, new technological development.

Currently, each state conducts its own research on the search for alternative energy sources. In this regard, as part of the ongoing research work on the development of alternative energy on the basis of the concept of "green energy" Professor A. Gruzeshov of the Department of Plasma Physics Nanotechnology and Computer Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Technology held an extracurricular lecture for students of the specialty "Electric Power Engineering" on the topic "Problems of development of alternative energy sources in Kazakhstan". During the event was analyzed scientific papers on the potential for the development of renewable energy sources that can change the global and Kazakhstan's structure of the electric power industry in the next decade, and students shared their thoughts. During the lecture it was noted that in 2009 in Kazakhstan was adopted several legislative acts related to the implementation of the law "on the use of renewable energy sources", and under this act the development of renewable energy sources is a target indicator. During the lecture it was noted that one of the tasks of scientists of KazNU to bring the share of renewable energy in the total electricity by 2030 to 10 percent, and in 2050 to 50 percent. Currently, this figure is only 2.3 percent in Kazakhstan.

Also during the lecture, he noted that the Department of Plasma Physics Nanotechnology and Computer Physics is conducting intensive research work on the development of solar energy and thermonuclear reactors, which are among the renewable energy sources. Future power engineers have been invited to work together on research projects needed to develop the industry.


Lecturer, Department of Plasma Physics of Nanotechnology and Computer Physics