KazNU students are winners of the youth festival "Jas Gala"

14 february, 2024

The youth festival "Jas Gala" among the creative youth of Almaty, organized by the Almaty Students Alliance with the support of the Almaty City Youth Policy Department, brought together more than 14 university students. From December 14 to 23, a competition was organized in the areas of vocal, choreography, mobilography, instrumental performance, theater.

The purpose and objectives of the competition:

- Support for the professional growth of creatively gifted and talented young people and the realization of the development of their abilities and interests, the formation of moral values, high aesthetic and intellectual taste;

- Creation of a creative environment for young people and students of the city;

- Moral and material assistance to the development of youth creativity, promotion of public recognition;

- Organization of effective use of youth leisure;

- Providing information support to the work of creative youth;

- Promotion of creative, positively directed activities among students of educational organizations in Almaty.

The competition, which lasted ten days, was held at a high level. In total, more than 700 students from 23 universities applied to participate in the competition, where the strongest of the qualifying and semi-final stages were selected. The total prize fund of the competition amounted to 8,000,000 tenge. The winners were awarded cash prizes and diplomas in the amount of 50 to 300 thousand tenge. Among these young talents were students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In the nomination "Instrumental performance", the second place was taken by a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Law Bazarshynov Yerasyl, in the direction of "Vocal" out of 48 participants, the second place was taken by a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism Zhenishanova Sabina, in the nomination "Best Tenor" - a 3rd year student of the Higher School of Economics and Business Ermashov Zhenis, in the nomination "King Falsetto" was won by Sabitbek Zhanibek, a 1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology.