Round table on the topic: "Venezuela and Guyana’s bargaining concerning the oil-rich region of Essequibo"

15 february, 2024

On February 15, 2024, within the framework of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2nd year students of the specialty "International Relations" held a round table on the topic "Venezuela and Guyana’s bargaining concerning the oil-rich region of Essequibo".  The 3rd year students of the specialty "Translation in the field of international and legal relations" took part in the role of translators. 

The purpose of the round table was to improve the negotiation skills of future diplomats, to develop translation skills of future translators and prepare them from a psychological point of view.

Organizers: Karipbaeva G.A., senior teacher of the

Diplomatic Translation Department  

Otepova A.M. teacher of the

Diplomatic Translation Department



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