February 15, 2024, a Leadership Lecture was held in room 317 with the participation of Dolda Zhaksylyk Zhumakhanuly, lawyer of the Almaty Regional Bar Association.

16 february, 2024

On February 15, 2024, a Leadership Lecture was held in room 317 with the participation of Dolda Zhaksylyk Zhumakhanuly, lawyer of the Almaty Regional Bar Association.

On the occasion of the 90-th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in accordance with the plan for the 2023-2024 academic year, it was organized by PhD Dr. N.D. Myrzatayev, deputy head of the department of “Civil Law, Civil Procedural and Labor Law” gave a leadership lecture for 3-rd year students of group 306 on the topic: “Problems of ensuring the participation of a defense attorney in civil proceedings.”

Lawyer Zhaksylyk Zhumakhanuly spoke in detail about the role and powers of a lawyer during civil proceedings, the main trial before trial and court hearings. He shared with students his experience about the procedure for filing a complaint against appellate and legally binding court decisions in civil cases, as well as the procedure for special proceedings and its features.

To effectively conduct cases in court, citizens need to have a good knowledge of civil law and the rules of legal proceedings. It is known that not all citizens have such knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to seek legal assistance. The service of providing legal advice to a person participating in a case, drawing up the necessary procedural documents, and protecting his rights and interests in a court hearing is called legal protection.

We would like to express our gratitude to Dolda Zhaksylyk Zhumakhanuly for sharing her experience of participating as a lawyer in civil proceedings.

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