SDG 4. Introduction to the library of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
In February, senior teachers Sagitaeva Shuga Galiakarovna, Bakhtina Togzhan Dauletekovna, Sakibaeva Sandugash Rakhmetoldaevna, Takirova Tolkyn, associate professor of the Department of Thermophysics and technical physics, PhD Kuikabaeva Aizhan Amangalievna, who came to the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to take advanced training courses from the SHAKARIM University of Semey, took a tour of the Scientific Library of the University with a 90-year history. The guests were greeted by the acting director of the Al-Farabi kaznu library Zhadyra Aidyngalievna and the chief librarian-manager of her field Aisulu Asanova. The total area of the library is 17,856.6 m2, which is located in one of the most picturesque areas of Almaty and is built on the university campus, known as "KazNU campus".
For 3 hours, the guests got acquainted with the triptych of the library "Mangilik El", the exposition "Alash Arylary", the exposition "seven facets of the Great Steppe", the Hall of the Electronic Library, Subscription, classical reading rooms, the Hall of rare books, conference rooms and the book storage fund. The guests were interested in all sections of the library, the availability of new technologies, accessibility for students and the conditions created for readers. He was temporarily registered and had the opportunity to use the necessary scientific bases in Semipalatinsk.