Lecture of "Young Scientists Club"

12 february, 2024

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology hosted a lecture of the Young Scientists Club founded at the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources. Within the framework of the event, the speaker was an outstanding geneticist and specialist in the field of molecular biology - Lebedeva Lina Pavlovna. In her lecture "Genetic predisposition to sports" she considered the influence of genetic factors and predispositions on sports achievements and human activity. Lebedeva Lina Pavlovna explained in detail which genes can influence physical abilities, speed of recovery after training, adaptation to loads and other aspects important for both scientists and athletes. She shared her experience, knowledge in the field of genetics, and shared valuable tips. In addition, during the lecture the possibilities of using knowledge about genetics to optimize the training process and improve sports performance were discussed. The lecture was attended by representatives of the Young Scientists Club, who were responsible for organizing the event, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as school guests accompanied by a teacher.   In turn, the young scientists thanked the university administration and organizers. Lebedeva Lina Pavlovna received positive feedback from the audience for her interesting and informative presentation. The end of the lecture was accompanied by active discussion and many questions to the speaker, which indicates the high interest of the audience to the topic.        


Head of the circle: Deputy head of the department. biodiversity and bioresources on scientific and innovative work and international relations, senior teacher Zharkova I.M.           

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources 
