Revival of the student theater "BIZ"

22 february, 2024

The «BIZ» Student Theater was founded in 2006, and on April 4, 2007, the premiere of the very first performance - "Don't get lost!" took place. Since then, the theater group has managed to stage such performances as "Toy", "Keshiriniz, sizdi ajal kutin tur!", "Bagdarsham" and "Ol koktem oralmaydy", "Million raushan gul". Then he delighted the audience with the play "Sister". The heads of the theater were Galymzhan Sailaubekov, Nurkhan Kadirbayev, Doskhan Zhylkybai, Yesengeldiev Saken, Tles Kanat. Currently, on the eve of the 90th anniversary of our university, on the initiative of the ART Center, the student theater is resuming its work and is going to reunite with the audience. It is planned to stage the play by the author Kanat Zhunusov "The Story of lovers" in a new version. The inspiring song from the play has always caused us the illusion of yesterday. Four students who have chosen the profession of theater actor live in the same dorm room. One of them is in his first year, and the rest are in their senior years. Strangely enough, Tursunbek, despite the fact that he is always called "Balmuzdak", does not open his mouth and does not giggle, but runs, rejoicing at his brothers. Two out of three high school students are in love with two beauties. They are looking for a way to convey their feelings to them. Girls who want to know about their future are invited to a meeting with a clairvoyant. Interesting moments in the course of the unfolding story are reflected on the stage. In the future, the student art collective plans to stage classical performances that will delight the audience.

Kanat Tiles,

Director of the student theater "BIZ"