Low-cost and clean energy

22 february, 2024

On 02/22/2024, a round table on the topic "Using clean energy sources" was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, at the Faculty of Law within the framework of the implementation of the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-7) "Low-cost and clean energy". The organizers of the event: Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Ph.D. N. Mynbatyrova N.K. and senior lecturer, Ph.D.N. Zharbolova A.Zh.

The round table was attended by members of the student club "Memleket zhane kukyk tarikhy" and students of the 305 group. Students of the 305 group Dauletkul Abish and Turikben Kuanysh in their reports told about the ways of energy saving, the impact of using clean energy sources on improving the environment, about the ways of developing the modern global energy industry, about the ways of using cheap and green energy in everyday life.During the meeting, modern sources of green energy and ways of their rational use were discussed. The speakers provided the students with new information about the experience of countries that occupy leading positions in the use of cheap energy in the world, and organized a small discussion about the use of these ways in our country.

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