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- The UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development and UNESCO Chair in Journalism Communication, in collaboration with the at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is pleased to announce the opening of the III International Winter School on PR “Education for sustainable development: innovative models” on February 26, 2024.
The UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development and UNESCO Chair in Journalism Communication, in collaboration with the at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is pleased to announce the opening of the III International Winter School on PR “Education for sustainable development: innovative models” on February 26, 2024.

The event is dedicated to the International Day of Education, established by UNESCO in recognition of the role of education in ensuring peace and development.
The Winter School on PR will be attended by representatives of the media, public relations specialists and university professors from Kazakhstan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Russia, as well as domestic and international students, master's and PhD-students from Afghanistan and Yemen.
From February 26 till March 5, representatives of international organizations, leading PR professionals and media specialists will conduct master classes in a hybrid format.
Everyone is welcome to take part in the training!
Opening date: February 26, 2024, starting at 10:00.
Place: Almaty, Al-Farabi av., 71, The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Al-Farabi Library, Conference Hall 409.
Registration form: https://forms.gle/CXZDrgf9HXfjRTbm9
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