Excursion of foreign students to the museum of KazNU named after. al-Farabi

23 february, 2024

      02.20.2024 students PG-7 and PG-9 of the Department of Language and General Education Training for Foreigners under the guidance of curators-advisers, senior teachers Kazmagambetova A.S. and Mamytbekova L.K. visited the museum of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Museum employee B.A. Kasymova gave us a very interesting excursion, told us the history of its origins, and that the main task of this department of the university is the preservation, accumulation and popularization of the cultural and historical values ​​of the university.

      We all got acquainted with the rich traditions of the history of our university: we saw historical documents, rare exhibits, ancient jewelry, and various dishes. All this material is presented in three large halls: in the History Gallery, in the Hall of Fame and in the University Sustainable Development Hall. In addition, there is a lot of information about graduate students - winners of science and sports, Olympic champions who have achieved great success in various fields.

     In order to familiarize foreign students with the historical and cultural heritage and educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national values ​​and traditions, it is important to hold such events. Listeners noted the excellent atmosphere in the exhibition halls. They wrote their wishes in the guest book and took memorable photos.

    We thank the director of the museum, Dzhapykbaeva A.Zh. and Kasymovа B.A. for organizing and conducting excursions for foreign citizens.