Teaching staff of the Department of Pre-university training took part in the expert strategic session "Modern trends in the development of a research university"

21 february, 2024

Within the framework of Professional Week-2024, an expert strategic session was held on the topic "Modern trends in the development of a research university", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KazNU.

The event was attended by leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of education, faculty and students of universities in Kazakhstan.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Lyazzat Yerkinbayeva congratulated the participants of the meeting on the 90th anniversary of the country's leading university.

Olzhas Sakenov, head of the "mamandygym – bolashagym" project group of the National Center for the Development of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, made a report at the plenary session. The report of the vice-rector for Education of the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Talanbek Kurmanbekovich "digital transformation of the education system at the university" was also heard. During the meeting, the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, acting Professor made presentations on topical topics. Marina Skiba, head of the Center for Academic Excellence at Toraighyrov University, expert at the National Center for the Development of Higher Education, Yuri Chekhov, Executive Director of the Antiplagiat company, and others.