The results of the decade "Men omirdi zhyrlau usin kelgenmin", organized within the framework of the SDG 4

23 february, 2024

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, dedicated to the Birthday of a high man of Kazakh literature, Mukagali Makatayev, the Department of Pre-university training held an evening of poetry dedicated to the results of the decade "Men omirdi zhyrlau usin kelgenmin", organized within the framework of SDG 4.
Representatives of the Kazakh diaspora, IRA students from abroad, college students and lyceum students studying at the Faculty of Pre-university Education presented their works for a creative competition. In total, more than 150 poems, essays, works of art, songs and drawings based on the poet's words have been collected.
Directions of the contest "Men omirdi zhyrlau usin kelgenmin":
I. "We write correctly!" artistic writing (IRA listeners)

II. Song contest "Kazakh poem"

III. "Poetry" reading works of art

IY. Writing the essay "Mukagali is a great poet"

Y. Writing the poetic dedication "zhyrlaydy zhurek"

YI. Drawing "My Muse"

Talented young people from among the participants of the competition were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks (for more information, see our page on the social network). At the end of the evening, the winners, who took prizes, read the dedications they had composed themselves, and the listener of the 26th group Yerkin Yersin performed the song "Ayakoz aru", written on the poet's poems.