Clean water and sanitation

25 february, 2024

02/14/2024 2st year students of the Faculty of Public Health prepared reports on the Sustainable Development Goals. The group discussed 3 reports on the following SDGs:

- No. 3. Good health and well-being

- No. Clean water and sanitation

- No. 15 Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems

Since students of the faculty in the future will become specialists who will work in the field of public health, these goals were chosen for discussion.

Speakers Matabayev Anuar, Kabdoldayeva Kamila, Shayahmet Merey  spoke on the topic Good health and well-being, outlined the main provisions of goal, which is increasing life expectancy, accessibility and quality of healthcare and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Students discussed the topic of solving these problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared their ideas on how to achieve these target indicators.

Thus, all students took an active part in the lesson dedicated to the achievements of SDG indicators.

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