The International Conference “Kazakhstan and Central Asia: History, Politics, Society”

26 february-3 april

Dear Colleagues!

April 3, 2024 at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University the International Conference “Kazakhstan and Central Asia: History, Politics, Society” will be held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Kamal Nizamovich Burkhanov (31.03.1954-21.01.2020).

Burkhanov Kamal Nizamovich – graduate of V.I. Lenin Tashkent State University (1977), Candidate of Historical Sciences (1988), Doctor of Political Sciences (1997), professor, historian, political scientist, who made a significant contribution to the socio-political life of Kazakhstan. Over the years, Kamal Nizamovich served as dean of the Faculty of History and the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of al-Farabi KazNU, Dean of the Law Faculty of Abai KazNPU, director of the Sh. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. In 2007-2016 was a deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the IV and V convocations.

In the international conference, discussions on issues that were within the scope of scientific interests of Professor K.N. Burkhanov and that remain relevant today are expected.

At the conference, foreign and Kazakh experts will give a scientific assessment of modern socio-political processes in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, present research on the history of regional cooperation in Central Asia and its prospects, geopolitics and national security.

The conference will contribute to the expansion of collaboration between scientists, the creation of new research projects, joint scientific publications and will contribute to the development of research within the framework of the study of Central Asia.

Scholars, experts and young researchers are invited to participate in the conference within the conference theme.

The conference is planned to discuss problems in the following areas:

• Current problems of national and world history

• Socio-political processes in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

• Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the context of global geopolitical changes

• Prospects for cooperation between Central Asian countries in modern conditions.


Conference languages are Kazakh, Russian, English.

To participate in the international conference, you must send your applications before March 21, 2024 to the following address:


Tel: +7 778 111 6379; +77081864165



Full name  ___________________________________________________________________

Academic degree (academic title): ________________________________________________

Place of work, full name of organization: ___________________________________________

Position: _____________________________________________________________________

Contact numbers: ______________________________________________________________

Е-mail.: _____________________________________________________________________


Key words____________________________________________________________________

Abstract (200 words)___________________________________________________________


The terms of participation

To publish a paper, abstracts must be formatted in strict accordance with the following requirements: the text of the paper (no more than 5 pages) in Kazakh, Russian, English, the registration form must be typed in a text editor MS Word; page format: A4; top margins – 2 cm, bottom margins – 2 cm, left margins – 3 cm, right margins – 1 cm; font: Times New Roman, size – 14; red line indent: 1.0 cm; Line spacing is single. In the center in lowercase letters (bold) author(s) full name, academic degree, title, place of work and position. Below the information about the author(s) is the title of the paper, centered in CAPITAL LETTERS (BOLD).


Venue: al-Farabi Scientific Library, White Hall (409), al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi Ave., 71

Date and time: April 3, 2024

Organizers: Faculty of History and Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

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