27 february, 2024

From January 15 to February 14, at the invitation of the University of Poitiers in France, doctoral students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Shakir Aidos and Murat Mukhambetkaliyev went on a scientific internship abroad. The results of a month-long study led by Pierre Morgan, PhD, assistant professor and head of the differential equations group, are as follows:

The scientific internship took place at the Laboratory of Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Poitiers. In the first week, our doctoral students discussed the article “On a generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation with biological applications” (L. Cherfils, A. Miranville, and S. Zelik, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2014). In the following weeks, Aidos worked on the Korteweg-de-Vries wave equation from R. Temam's book “Infinite Dimensional Dynamical systems in Mechanics and Physics” (Springer, 1988), and Murat worked on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation from this book. The following week, the doctoral students worked on finding an exponential attractor for a parabolic equation, using the method described in a paper written by M. Efendiev, F. Miranville and S. Zelik (2000). As we can see, bilateral cooperation was not limited to writing articles, students of our faculty also actively participated in the seminar of a professor from Germany, which took place on the territory of the Laboratory. It is safe to say that foreign colleagues highly appreciated the work of our doctoral students.