
24 february, 2024

As part of the Week of Languages dedicated to the 90th anniversary of our university, a literary and musical evening "Поэзия! Менімен егіз бе едің?".
The purpose of the evening: to instill in the heart of students the poetic talent of Mukagali Makatayev, who became the poet of the century at the turn of the century, thereby firmly instill in him a love for the world of poetry, for the art of speech in general. To expand the student's spiritual knowledge, opening the way to the correct assimilation of verbal culture, expressive reading of poetry, imitation of the poet who accompanied the poem in his life. The evening was held in the Literary cafe "World of Poetry". The guests in the cafe ordered poems, songs, kuis from the poet's work, which they wished. According to the order accepted by the waiters, the hosts announced the number. Students of the pre-university department, college, and school continued to speak in turn. At the end of the evening, the invited teachers expressed their gratitude and shared their impressions.
The organizer of the event: Idrisova Gulzhan Asanova.