Advisory hour on the topic "Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts"

21 february, 2024

On February 21, an advisory hour was held on the topic "Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts", during which the main report was presented by Orazaly Karina. Akylbek Inzhu, Gubaidullina Tamara, Aidarbayeva Gauhar, and Taskalieva Tomiris also actively participated in the event. The topic focused on the study of interpersonal conflicts, their definition, causes and methods of resolution.

In this advisory hour, it was emphasized that interpersonal conflict is an open clash of interests, views or goals between two or more participants. It was highlighted that conflicts can arise in any area of human life, at work, in family. The main focus was on the roles of the subjects and objects of the conflict, where the subjects seek to prove their case and protect their interests, while the object of the conflict is the cause of disagreement.

The event was productive, the participants expressed their willingness to apply their knowledge to resolve possible conflict situations in the future