Round table discussion on the topic “Gender Policy in Kazakhstan”

26 february, 2024

On February 26, 2024, the senior teachers of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature,  Zhusanbaeva A.T. and Khairusheva E.E. together with the  1st year students, majoring in “Hydrology”, “Geodesy and Cartography” and “Geography”, held an event within the framework of “Gender Equality” SDG 5. The event on the topic “Gender Policy in Kazakhstan” was organized as a  a round table discussion  
During the round table discussion, the following topics were discussed: a portrait of a modern successful woman in Kazakhstan, what role women have played in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, how many women work in Kazakhstan, including in leadership positions, how women find a balance between family and work, and how they keep up with everything. The participants also talked about  global indicators and trends in gender equality issues.
The event participants worked as a single team, asked questions with an  interest, shared information and freely expressed their point of view. In the end they  made  the conclusions that today one of the main values of law is the equality of men and women. The introduction of gender equality is not only a requirement of elementary social justice and a necessary component of democracy, but also the realization of the possibility of approaching the goal of sustainable development, the organization of social relations on the principles of justice, integrity and tolerance.