Legal literacy of students

27 february, 2024

Theory and history of state and law, department of constitutional and administrative law CLUB OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY "STUDENTS TO IMPROVE LEGAL CULTURE"
"QUALITY EDUCATION" according to goal 4
Topic: "Legal literacy of students".
 Purpose: To guide the legal literacy of youth during active participation in student life.
Together with the students of group 204 and senior teacher Ondashuly Yernur, we went snowboarding, went to the mountains and actively engaged in many physical sports. Legal literacy is necessary for every citizen today. This is a requirement of time. A person should know his rights and their limits well. In today's era of the creation of a legal state, it is better for everyone to know their rights and receive information from the field of general legal education. It became known that when creating a civil society in our country, it is necessary to combine several elements, and legal education is the basis for creating a civil society. According to Article 1 of our Constitution, Kazakhstan is recognized as a "legal state". Every citizen of the legal state must be legally aware and legally cultured. The concept of legal policy for 2010-2020 is aimed at and adopted by our state for this purpose.