А discussion platform on the topic "Viral Hepatitis: Prevention Measures" was held
On February 27, 2024, at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a discussion platform on the topic "Viral Hepatitis: Prevention Measures" was held within the framework of TUR 3: Healthy Lifestyle and Well-being. The aim of the event was to increase youth awareness about hepatitis prevention and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Presentations and speeches prepared by students on the topic "Viral Hepatitis and Prevention Measures" were delivered during the event. The presentations included current statistics on the prevalence of hepatitis in Kazakhstan, and measures outlined by the Republic's legislation were actively discussed. Topics included population immunization against hepatitis B, free immunization against hepatitis A based on epidemiological indications, and the provision of free medical assistance to the population concerning the diagnosis of viral hepatitis. As a result of the event, students became familiar with various methods of implementing preventive measures against infectious hepatitis and ways to prevent infection.
Organizers: Adviser-curators: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor S.Sh. Asrandina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.D. Atabaeva, and students from the 3rd and 4th years, majoring in "6B05103 – Biotechnology". Venue: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Room 412, Time: 4:00 PM.