A scientific seminar "Requirements for writing a scientific article"

1 march, 2024

Within the framework of the Partnership for sustainable Development item of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project for February 22, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Middle East and South Asia at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Candidate of Philology Akhmetbekova A.K., conducted a scientific seminar "Requirements for writing a scientific article". The seminar was organized within the framework of a bilateral agreement between the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture "Nur-Mubarak" on the practice of students.

One of the main goals of academic writing is to involve the student in writing a scientific article. It is known that writing a scientific article is a complex process associated with logical phenomena that lie outside the language. Writing a scientific article can be realized in the mind only by a person who has the ability to generalize thoughts on a certain topic. Considering that the student is a future specialist, it is undoubtedly useful for the future activity of the student to take a step towards writing a scientific article in order to adapt while staying at the university.

During the seminar, it was emphasized that special attention should be paid to the types and structure of scientific articles, the stage of the research process, and the main priorities of scientific expertise methods. Concepts such as introduction, description of the research methodology and justification of its choice, the results obtained during the research, the need to analyze and comment on the results obtained, the fact that the structure and style of a scientific article may differ from journal to journal, therefore it is always necessary to check the written article for compliance with special copyright instructions provided by the journal, and take into account additional requirements for the content of the article in these instructions.

The topic of the scientific seminar was important and relevant, the students took an active part and received comprehensive answers to their questions.

 Zhumadilova A. Ye.

Department of the Middle East and South Asia