My chinese english class

5 march, 2024

Observing the university news, we can easily notice that Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s international relationships are becoming more versatile, and in some directions, it is becoming even stronger. “KazNU strengt­hens ties with East China Pedagogical University”, “KazNU and Shanghai Political-Legal University signed a cooperation agreement”, “KazNU conducts joint re­search with Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechno­logy” – these types of headlines continue to serve as evidence of good cooperation between the universities of the two neighboring countries. 

In accordance with the above-mentioned, it is pertinent to observe our teaching experience related to the last semester when we had a group of master’s degree students majoring in Translation Studies, all of whom were dealing with the Chinese language. Initially, it was totally unusual for an English class when all the students spoke Chinese, and this language served as a lingua franca for some situations when proficiency in the English language was required from students. In our classes, we are used to speaking Kazakh or Russian for translanguaging to teach new material, especially when it concerns the Translation Studies specialty. For that class, the language was different, and I believe the graduate students’ experience might be useful and interesting for many who aim to move a few rungs up the professional career ladder with a diploma from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The only person who spoke three languages, namely Kazakh, Russian, and Chinese, was Alima Sadenova, and her excellent professional skills were helpful not only in our class but also for the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the university-framed events. Alima expressed her thoughts in her sincere writing: “ […] after graduating from university in China, I decided to continue my studies in my profession of translation. Any professional field requires highly qualified skills and knowledge from a person, so I decided to enroll in one of the most prestigious universities in the country – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The university is included in the ranking of the best universities in Kazakhstan, has many years of experience, broad-profile education, and rich traditions. On the first day of my studies, I was lucky enough to meet many talented students who also aim to get a quality education and a master’s degree. There were also many foreign students interested in learning our language and culture. Students come from all over the world to enroll in our university. My classmates all came from China. Despite the differences in cultures, we always find a common language and common topics for conversation. Since I myself have lived abroad for a long time while studying, I know how difficult it can be for them. Therefore, I also always try to help them so that they enjoy their stay here. When they do not understand some words, or even when they are interested in where they can go for a weekend or where they can buy something, I am always happy to help them. […] Despite all the challenges we have to face, I will always remember my student years with gratitude. My studies at the university gave me invaluable experience and became a significant part of my life. And if I was given the opportunity to choose again, I would repeat everything.”*

Bahnar Dankai is also very positive about her first semester at KazNU: “[…] why did I come to this country? Because as an ethnic Kazakh, Kazakh, the official language of Kazakhstan, is my mother tongue, and Kazakh culture in Kazakhstan is also my culture. But I knew nothing about it, so I wanted to learn about the only people in the world without beggars – Kazakhs. To learn my native Kazakh language, learn about my culture, understand the history of my ancestors. When I came to Almaty, I began to learn Kazakh. From being afraid to speak and unable to speak at the beginning to the generous communication now, I have made great progress in my native language learning, which is also thanks to my teachers and classmates. They helped me assimilate into the Kazakh culture. After I finished my language study, I applied for a master’s degree in KazNU. Because I want to receive a higher level of education, improve myself, and also want to leave more beautiful moments in this beautiful city of Almaty. Since the first semester of my master’s study, I have gained a lot of recognition and encouragement from teachers and love from classmates, and I am also working hard to improve my ability. […] I would like to thank everyone I met who helped me, encouraged me, and supported me!”*

Another student of Kazakh ethnicity, Enkar Bashar, is from Yili, Xinjiang, China and has chosen the graduate program at Al-Farabi KazNU despite of being a busy and successful business lady: “Although I am a Kazakh myself, my Kazakh language foundation is not very good due to long-term living in China and the influence of the environment. […] On the one hand, my parents are also Chinese teachers. Most of the friends I have contact with are Han Chinese, so my Chinese proficiency is better than that of Kazakhstan. But as a Kazakh myself […] I want to use these two years of study to do my best to improve my Kazakh language level. […] After I graduated in China in 2020, I went to work in Hangzhou […] I […] engaged in my personal hobby: the beauty industry. At the same time, […] also co-founded a Xinjiang-themed cosmetics brand. Because China and Kazakhstan are very symbolic friendly countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. How to maximize this learning opportunity is entirely up to me. I am very happy to study here. On the one hand, I have friends and family whom I have not seen for a long time, and on the other hand, I have met new teachers and classmates in school.

Hearing is false and seeing is believing. Only when you feel and understand it in person can you make a judgment standard for your own definition. […] The similarity is that China and Kazakhstan are both large, multi-ethnic countries and are as tolerant as the vast lands of the two countries. They will not turn away guests. The purpose is that everyone who comes is a guest and is warm and welcoming, entertain. […] no matter what job I pursue, the two years of study and the various people I have met It will become an important lesson in my life. I am very happy to meet you all. To use a Chinese saying, in the vast sea of people, meeting each other is fate. […] to use an old Kazakh saying: If God bless us, we will meet again!”*

Lingling Wang speaks Russian, besides her native Chinese, and once she visited Kazakhstan in 2018, then decided to stay longer because she gradually fell in love with Almaty: “I think Almaty is a city with beautiful scenery, leisurely elegance, and etiquette. Slowly, my Russian is good. When I get up, I often walk on the street, especially in autumn and winter, the scenery is particularly beautiful. […] I know that this is also an opportunity for me to learn English again. Therefore, I should seize this opportunity to make up for my English. I will memorize the words again, learn grammar. […] Almaty is like my second hometown. I love everything about Almaty, and I will do the same in a while. Work harder to study. There is a saying in China: live and learn. This sentence has always been beneficial to me.”*

Yu Ting, whose name is equivalent to ‘Morning Star’, is often being called “Таңшол­пан” by her classmates. She speaks Kazakh very well thanks to her four-year study of the Kazakh language in China, and her English skills are also well-developed, although Yu Ting finds her graduate program quite challenging: “The study of master’s students is completely different from that of undergraduate students. The teaching models of China and Kazakhstan are also very different. Over time, I found that I liked this teaching method in Kazakhstan more and more. The teacher will give us a lot of time to think about problems by ourselves in class. I can express my thoughts freely. This is very different from the model of Chinese teachers teaching students to listen. […] I am very happy to meet my teachers and classmates. They are like bright lights, illuminating me when I fall into confusion and darkness. I am sincerely grateful to them. […] I hope that my postgraduate life can be full and interesting.”*

 More and more international students are becoming interested in studying in Kazakhstan, especially at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Before making the final decision, people usually research on their plans, so it might be very helpful to hear from students at the same level, now our students, who have shared their feelings and beliefs. In connection with the approaching Chinese New Year, which is one of the most significant and extensively observed holidays in Chinese culture, we are expressing our best wishes to all the Chinese students studying at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and looking forward to our country’s traditional celebration of Nowruz in the following month. Despite all the differences, in fact, there are more similarities between people from different countries, and human beings around the world need peace and well-being.

Shayakhmet A.G.

 Foreign language

department, dozent