Partnership for Sustainable Development

5 march, 2024

On March 5, 2024 at 12:00 at the Faculty of Law of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of SDG 17 "Partnership for Sustainable Development", teachers of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, D.Y.N. Baymakhanova D.M., K.Y.N. Kultemirova L.T. and K.Y.N. Kusainov D.O. organized a Leadership lecture on the topic “Fundamentals of communication skills when interacting with the media” with the participation of 1st year students. The speaker was Sagandykova Dinara Amangeldievna, police lieutenant colonel, member of the union of journalists, teacher at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. M. Esbulatov.

The speaker in her speech touched upon the important issue of the importance of communication skills when interacting with the media of law enforcement officials. Dinara Amangeldievna revealed the procedure for conducting briefings, press conferences, interviews with internal affairs officers, the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies. The speaker noted that it is very important to adhere to special rules when communicating with representatives of the media: never formulate your answer too clearly and unambiguously, leave room for future additions; Avoid harsh judgments, rude statements, and too categorical statements. You should also never express a personal point of view when speaking on behalf of a government agency. Particular attention should be paid to the thoughtfulness of the wording, avoid sarcasm, and do not use words that could be interpreted as offensive.

The speaker paid special attention to the issue of how young people, already from their student days, form their online reputation, and prevent the publication of text materials and photographs that could cause reputational damage to potential law enforcement officers now and in the future. The specific examples given by Dinara Amangeldievna to illustrate her recommendations aroused great interest among students.

The students listened with great interest to the lecturer who touched on such topical issues, asked many questions and noted that developing a positive online reputation has a significant impact on building a career in law enforcement, other government agencies, as well as in private practice.