"The rights of the Kazakh girl"

7 march, 2024

03/05/2024, the curator of the PK-301 group, E. B. Kenzhebayeva, held an open educational hour with the students of the group on the topic: "The rights of the Kazakh girl" based on the direction of SDG-5 «Gender equality". The purpose of the lesson: to show the comprehensive national qualities of a Kazakh girl in accordance with our national traditions, such as decency, grace, dexterity, humility, beauty, etc., to develop thinking, memory, cognitive qualities of students and instill in them the qualities inherent in the upbringing of girls through the customs of the Kazakh people. The newspaper "Kyz eldin-korki", an exhibition of drawings, proverbs and sayings were used at the educational hour. And also such qualities as punctuality, skill, charm, tenderness of the girl's soul, a penchant for art, knowledge were highly appreciated, emphasizing her qualities with figurative words.