Honor the eldest

2 march, 2024

Based on the directions of SDG-1-«No poverty" and SDG-2 «Zero hunger", the curator of the PR-302 group, Musalaeva Sh. A. visited a nursing home with the students of the group, located in Almaty, where they got acquainted with the fate of each grandparent and offered sweets.
There is nothing more tender than a human heart. Not everyone understands how many endless joys the same word, a warm greeting, brings to the elderly. The study groups, having seen the powerless elderly grandparents, paid a lot of attention, did not spare warm words, asked questions to the students, shared their impressions.
Kazakhs are a people who understand the value of elders. Respect for elders is the pillar that is the tradition of our parents. The task of a person before the parents who gave birth to, nourished their children, is immeasurable. Therefore, let's appreciate and respect our elders, bow down and do not forget that we are in debt all our lives!