"Youth unemployment»

11 march, 2024

On March 04, 2024, at 14.00 in auditorium 317, the Department of Civil Law and civil procedure, labor law held a meeting on the topic "Youth unemployment. »held a scientific seminar on the topic""." The speaker of this event was the senior teacher Karasheva Zh.T.

According to the Bureau of National Statistics, youth unemployment in the country is 3.8%. This is the conclusion for the 2nd quarter of 2022. In the regions, Almaty – 5.4%, Astana – 4.7% and Karaganda region – 4.3%, Kyzylorda and East Kazakhstan regions-4.1%. "According to the executive director of the Association of legal entities ""Kazakhstan Youth Congress "" Toktar Bolysov, this indicator is due to the low level of education in some regions." In addition, the vulnerability of schools in career guidance also has a negative impact."Any strong company is looking for a specialist whose knowledge and skills are agreed upon. In addition, you need a diploma from Good Universities. The child should think about what kind of specialist will become the owner from Grade 5-6. They need vocational guidance from the school. This is the current problem. Because a student who comes to the 11th grade, first of all, in consultation with his parents, then with his teacher, under their influence, chooses such a profession as an economist, lawyer, accountant. Later, the child, having studied at the University for 4 years, realizes too late that he has chosen the wrong profession. Further, taking care of life, he gets a job as a seller and waiter. He makes more money there, his interest opens up and stays there. If each child was given the right career guidance at school, they would plan to work in this specialty after graduation," T. Bolysov said.The seminar was a great opportunity for the participants to exchange experience, express their opinions and defend the rights of people with disabilities, discuss. The event also contributed to the strengthening of interaction between students and teachers, creating a favorable learning and research environment.