The importance of digital technology in foreign language learning

12 march, 2024

It is obvious that in globalized times, technological devices, digital media and mobile applications have become a part of our lives. With today's modern computer network, you can easily access and easily monitor information in the four corners of the world from anywhere in the world. Technological advancements will not only improve our standard of living but also open up new opportunities.

The term digital technologies in the framework of language teaching theory refers to all kinds of technologies that use computers and portable electronic devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.). These technologies are used in language teaching in various forms of organizing learners' activities. Multimedia and digital resources in foreign language teaching, depending on the functions performed, can be divided as follows:

One of the most frequently used online resources is the Podcast application. This application contributes a lot to the development of students' language skills, especially listening and speaking skills. Podcast is a digital application that allows the user to download radio programs over the internet and listen to them at any time. Podcast provides language learners with authentic language and real material, as learners can use podcasts as a supplementary resource to textbooks.

Quizlet-a unique crossword puzzle tool for face-to-face and distance learning. The most popular resource for educators-it is an easy-to-use web-based service that allows you to create flashcards. Quizlet is very effective for me because it provides basic concepts and definitions for the learner to repeat.

Kahoot-it is a quiz game that is now widely used in the study of any subject, after visiting the site and taking the quiz students get the quiz code assigned to the site. It uses a central screen that displays multiple-choice questions. Each question is awarded a point based on how quickly it is answered and whether it is correct.

One of these new approaches can include language teaching with the help of computer programs in the information learning system. In the process of teaching an English lesson with the help of advanced technologies, we can perform various didactic tasks, form reading skills, expand vocabulary and increase learners' interest in learning English with the help of modern learning media platforms. There are many multimedia educational resources for listening to foreign-language words, converting the input text into online audio.

Currently, I am constantly using these technologies in language teaching to my students as a kazoo teacher. Obviously, digital technology makes the student interested and competitive in learning. My goal as a teacher is to train modern professionals who are able to make competent decisions by developing students' skills and abilities with the use of digital technologies in teaching modern English.

Raushan Balgabekova,

Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages