Jang Beng Soon: students had the opportunity to learn about the history of the Korean country

12 march, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University establishes broad ties with foreign partners of the Korean people. The main cooperation will be carried out in the directions - Science, Education, Culture. In this regard, we talked to Associate Professor of the Far East Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Chang Beng Sun from the Republic of Korea.

Jang Beng Sun - Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology, Hanyang University, Master of Management, Dongguk University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Candidate of Political Science. Career experience is very extensive. For example, the director of the Institute of Asian Problems in Seoul, Moscow "IT.com "general director of the company", in the Republic of Korea "Tongnamunara.com " became the general director of the company. He was a senior lecturer at the Department of Korean Studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. For many years, the director of the club "one Asia" in Central Asia with dignity fulfilled his career. He worked as director of the International Scientific Project "Eurasia" supported by the Eurasia Foundation in Japan and others. From 2007 to the present time he is an associate professor of the Far East Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

- First came to Kazakhstan in 1993. Entered the postgraduate program at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2011 became a candidate of political sciences.

In 2007, she began teaching students at the Far East (Korean Studies) Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at our university. Since taking office at this university in 2007, we have been trying to promote ties between twenty universities, including Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, Hanyang University, Dunguk University, Kookmin University, Sungshil University, Hongik University, Sogang University and Konkuk University. By signing the memorandum, the students of the Korea Department got the opportunity to improve their language in Korean universities and learn about the culture and history of this country," Chang Beng Soon said.

According to the associate professor, a total of about 300 master's and doctoral students have been sent to Korea's Dongguk and Hanyang Universities and Summer School from 2013 to the present.

-In addition, about 70 students from the Korea Department have been introduced and admitted to master's and doctoral programs through the Korea National Scholarship Program (KGSP). And in 2012, with the support of the Japan Eurasia Foundation, the international Eurasia Project continued at Kazan University and served as project director for ten years. Within the framework of this project was invited to lecture about 30 professors from Korea and the world, more than 100 professors from Kazakhstan, - he noted publications and works of the teacher.

He conducted a study at the Kazakh National University on "organizational culture and social situation in Kazakh universities during the COVID-19 crisis". This study was published in the Center for Philosophical Documentation of the United States. In addition, published articles in international journals indexed" the impact of the collection of imperialist Korean cultural objects"," cultural politics of ethnic identity restoration"," innovations in self-knowledge" and others. The books "China's Strategy in Central Asia in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries", "Korean-Russian Translation: An Important Cultural Heritage", etc. were published.

Within the framework of the international project "Eurasia" Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi lectured in many educational institutions: Humanities Department of Madrid Complutense University, Spain; University of Burgos, Spain; Dongguk University, Seoul; University of Hilo, Hawaii, USA; Ihwa Women's University in Seoul; National University of Science and Technology, Seoul; Puchon University, Tashkent, etc. And several universities in Kazakhstan met with students and exchanged experience.

Nurbek Nurzhanovich