Rector of KazNU visited the Scientific Center for Sustainable Development

13 march, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev checked the progress of preparations for the opening of the Scientific Center for Sustainable Development and Effective Use of Nature of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management.

Rector of KazNU together with the heads of SIC familiarized with the work of scientific laboratories of the new center, which will open in the near future. The laboratories implementing different directions of sustainable development goals will work in the following areas: climate and modeling, digital cartography and applied geodesy, water quality analysis.

Also in the new laboratories modern research in the field of sustainable tourism development, geoinformation analysis, geodetic and socio-economic studies, soil ecology, environmental monitoring, environmental safety will be conducted.

Head of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev inspected the progress of preparatory work and familiarized with the design of new laboratories. The rector instructed the scientists of the university to accelerate the work on bringing to the market the best patented scientific projects, to develop close relations with foreign research institutes, centers and jointly implement innovative projects, using the capabilities of new laboratories.
They will be decorated in modern design and equipped with the latest innovative technologies, powerful computers, smart and sampling devices. Along with laboratories, classrooms will be renovated, and conditions will be created for faculty members to practice science and free education of young people.

It should be noted that recently KazNU scientists won a megagrant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The amount amounted to 3.8 billion tenge. This project is aimed at solving environmental problems of the West Kazakhstan region. The project will be realized within three years.
Scientific laboratories at the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of KazNU will be opened within the framework of this megaproject. In addition, sponsors provide support in equipping the laboratory with the latest equipment.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University