13.03.2024, the head of the Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedural and Labor Law of the Faculty of Law of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Doctor of Law, Professor Suleimenova S.J. visited the Al-Farabi Library Museum with doctoral students of the 1st year during the realization of SDG №4 "quality education".

13 march, 2024

13.03.2024, the head of the Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedural and Labor Law of the Faculty of Law of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Doctor of Law, Professor Suleimenova S.J. visited the Al-Farabi Library Museum with doctoral students of the 1st year during the realization of SDG №4 "quality education".

Al-Farabi Museum is dedicated to the spiritual heritage of the great great-grandfather Al-Farabi, whose name was assigned to the Kazakh National University in 1991. On April 13, 2013 the museum together with the scientific library of our university opened its doors for all comers. The main content structure of the museum - diorama complexes and expositions are divided into thematic expositions.

The purpose of the event: not only to form a spiritual and moral culture in young people, but also to conduct propaganda work and lovingly pass on the heritage of our great ancestor from generation to generation.