Sustainable Development Goal 17. Strengthening and revitalizing the delivery tools of the global partnership for sustainable development

13 march, 2024

03/13/2024 Head of the Department of Customs Finance and Environmental Law of Al-Farabi KazNU, Doctor of Law, Professor Guldana Amangeldievna Kuanalieva conducted a scientific webinar at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatov as part of strengthening and intensifying the tools for implementing work within the framework of the global partnership for sustainable development of the 17th Sustainable Development Goal.
The scientific webinar was held within the framework of the topic of innovations in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law enforcement officials of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the scientific webinar, the main issues of criminal legislation were discussed with great interest and activity from the audience.