SDG 4. Open curatorial hour “Holiday of Spring and Love”

7 march, 2024

The purpose of the event: strengthening friendships within the group, fostering a respectful attitude towards women, developing creative abilities, and increasing the intellectual level.
In many countries around the world, March 8 is International Women's Day. Kazakhstan is no exception. Many organizations hold holiday events dedicated to women. Historically, this day appeared as a day of solidarity of working women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation. The modern celebration of Women's Day no longer has the goal of promoting equality, but is considered a day of spring, female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to a woman, regardless of her status and age.
We also did not ignore this holiday. March 7 at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KazNU named after. al-Farabi held an open curatorial hour “Holiday of Spring and Love” dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. The organizers of this event were 2nd year students of the educational programs “6B07112-Thermal Power Engineering”, “6B05303-Technical Physics” and 1st year students “6B05303-Technical Physics”, advisors were Maksutkhanova A.M., Tazhenova M.S., Ospanova Sh.S. .
The guys congratulated with welcoming words and poems, Orak Temirlan played kui on the dombra, Sembiev Aibolat, playing along on the guitar, and the guys sang the song “Ana” together.