19 march, 2024

Among the figures of Alash, who served the nation immeasurably at the beginning of the last century, the name of Nazir Torekulov is carried with special respect. Recognition of this man as one of the historical figures, a prominent statesman and public figure of our nation became possible only in recent times, when our country began to pursue an independent policy.

That is Nazir Torekulov-fighter who came on the scene by the wave of history in the period of great changes of the early XX century. A statesman and public figure with a democratic outlook. The fact that in the twenties he was elected the first secretary of the Turkestan Republic testifies much.

Nair's ancestral home is a native child of the village of Kandoz in the South Kazakhstan region. The future Soviet diplomat, statesman, scientist was born in October 1892 in Turkestan region in a rich family engaged in cotton trade. Father Torekul was a legal and trade worker, and mother Gulbahram was a Tajik daughter, a very religious person. The Torekuls had a first-born son Nazir, a second son Abdykadyr and a daughter Fatima. He spent his childhood and youth in the city of Kokan, where he studied in a madrasa, Russian-prison school, and in 1913, having successfully completed the eighth grade of the Kokand school of commerce, N. Torekulov entered the Moscow Institute of Commerce (now Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov). Here, in addition to studying economic disciplines, there was a new opportunity to study foreign languages, in which Nair himself showed great ability since childhood. He was fluent in Russian and Turkish and fluent in French and German. From the 3rd course of the Moscow Institute of Commerce in 1916, at his own request, he turned to the instructor center of the Western Front "Zemsoyuz", where he began the political struggle of Central Asian youth. Dedicating his life to the struggle for the liberation of the people, Nazir in 1917-1920 was engaged in agitation, literacy and other ideological work, edited the newspapers "Kazak muny", "Halyk gazetasy", "Yangi Shark". Near Minsk an underground organization "Free Steppe" was created from young people who had visited Kazakhstan. The purpose of the organization was to promote the national liberation movement of the peoples of the East.

In 1927 Nazir Torekulov was enrolled in the reserve of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) and the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. That is, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, as a person with great experience, knowledgeable, considered him worthy of the job. In those years, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, which was in favor of Nazir Torekulov's candidacy, sent an official letter to Stalin. Stalin finds him worthy of this place and gives his consent. November 24, 1927 at a meeting of the Politburo (Minutes № 137) decided to send Comrade N. Torekulov ambassador to Hijaz, Nedjd and the United Regions.

In 1928, when he was only 36 years old, he was appointed plenipotentiary ambassador of the USSR to Hijaz (Saudi Arabia). At that time, the appointment of a young man to such a responsible position was very rare in diplomatic practice. Having worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, in February 1930 Nazir Torekulov presented his credentials to Prince Feisal as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. This took place in the city of Mecca, the spiritual center of the Muslim world. Becoming Ambassador of the USSR to Saudi Arabia, which had regained peace not only with oil, but also with spiritual wealth, was not just another service.

Along with the great activities accomplished in the sphere of trade, economy, the king is closely associated with his family and does many good deeds. The organization of King Abdulaziz Al Saud's successor Prince Faisal's 10-day visit to the USSR was also a great merit, a prominent figure in the embassy. The King and his family, impressed by his profound knowledge and professional skills as well as his human nature, accorded him special respect. With ambassadors from Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, it was an incredible feat considering that at the time the embassy did not have the facilities as it does now. Also striking is N. Torekulov's diligence, courageous mind, the skill with which he, along with local sheikhs, found the language of "antagonists" - diplomats from England and other Western European countries.

It is pleasant that N. Torekulov's eight-year diplomatic service in Saudi Arabia is also highly appreciated in the Russian diplomacy with centuries of experience. During this period, only N. Torekulov was in the embassy. It is also seen that his ambassadorial talent and efforts were very highly appreciated by Saudi Arabia.

In early 1936, the diplomat was invited to Moscow. For about a year he worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Language and Letters under the Council of Nations of the CEC of the USSR.

On November 3, 1937, pan-Turkist propaganda and speculation calling for "terrorist methods of struggle against the leaders of the Soviet power" were charged and shot on the same day. From that time on, relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Soviet Union ceased for nearly half a century.

Historical justice prevailed only in 1958, when Torekulov was acquitted by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court for lack of corpus delicti. Relations between the USSR and Saudi Arabia were restored only in 1990.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev writes about him: "Nazir Torekulov flew in the political sky of the 30s of the last century as a bright comet. However, wherever Nazir Torekulov's fate was thrown, he showed himself to be a sensitive politician, a shrewd, energetic man who sincerely believed in the bright future of the Soviet state. He was a patriot of his people and region. N. Torekulov's leadership qualities, subtle and far-sighted talent, inherent only to statesmen, were most clearly manifested in the diplomatic period of his life".

Currently, the Nazir Torekulov Conference Hall is functioning at the Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Various international scientific conferences, symposiums, lectures, classes, meetings of foreign scientists and professors are held in the Nazir Torekulov Conference Hall.

In the past years, to the 130th anniversary of Nazir Torekulov, the publishing house of "Kazak University" published a voluminous book "Nazir Torekulov" with the series "Gibraty ғұмыр". The importance of this book lies in the fact that it conveys sincere opinions and scientific research of outstanding personalities and scientists of our country, showing interest in it. Thus, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNU Mr. J. Tuimebaev wrote a preface to the publication. He noted that "the speech of the first Kazakh ambassador, politician, major reformer, educator, journalist-publisher, talented statesman and public figure Nazir Torekulov is an example for future generations. The ideals of Nazir Torekulov, who was the core of the spiritual modernization of our people, will grow together with the Kazakh people," he said.

The annual scientific forum "Farabi Readings" is held in the Treasury. At this scientific forum Nazir Torekulov readings "Diplomacy and national interests" and other scientific meetings are organized, where the faculty and young scientists of the faculty share their scientific research and exchange opinions.

The star of N. Torekulov, an honest son of Alash, a statesman and public figure who served his people selflessly and left an indelible legacy, becomes brighter and brighter every year. His moral legacy opens a great path not only to Kazakh diplomacy, but also to our serious politics in the future. It is necessary to immortalize in the memory of the next generation a man so noble who glorified the spirit of the nation. The inauguration of a nation's personality is a celebration of the country. The man's name will remain in the memory of the country and will be immortalized forever in the memory of the future generations as written on the engraved stone.

The teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynovich said: "The country is today, mine is tomorrow". The name of Nazir Torekulov, who worked tirelessly for the future and left behind a rich heritage, will forever remain in the memory of mәңгілік ел.

Asel KHAMZAEVA, PhD, Acting Assistant Professor

Zhappar Zhuman, Professor, Department of International Relations and World Economy