A Journey Across Continents:My Double Degree Experience as an Italian Exchange Student

19 march, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has always been known for its commitment to fostering global perspectives and cultural diversity.

As an exchange student coming from La Sapienza University of Rome, I have had the privilege of experiencing this first-hand through the Double Degree Programme, a special agreement between these two amazing universities located in two completely different continents. This unique opportunity has not only expanded my academic horizons but has also enriched my personal growth in countless ways. The decision to embark on this adventure was not an easy one. Leaving behind the comfort of my Italian university and the familiar surroundings of my hometown was a daunting prospect. However, the allure of gaining two degrees in two different countries was an opportunity too good to pass up.

My journey began with excitement and anticipation as I arrived at KazNU. The initial weeks were a whirlwind of experiences and emotions. Adapting to a new educational system, making friends from diverse backgrounds, and immersing myself in a foreign culture were some of the initial challenges. Yet, these challenges soon transformed into opportunities for growth. Cultural enrichment has been a cornerstone of my journey. Learning to adapt to the customs, traditions, and daily life of Kazakhstan has been a transformative experience. From enjoying local cuisine to participating in cultural festivals, I've had the chance to embrace a culture that is very different from my own. It has fostered my appreciation for global diversity and has made me more open-minded and accepting of others. As I reflect on my journey as an exchange student in the Double Degree Programme, I realize that it has been an invaluable chapter of my life so far. To those considering this kind of experience, I can wholeheartedly say I recommend it 100%! It may seem daunting at first, but the personal and academic growth that comes with it is immeasurable. It's a journey that enriches your life in ways you could never have imagined. I am deeply grateful for the chance to embark on this adventure, and I hope that my experience will inspire others to take a leap into the world of international education and cultural exchange.

I want to warmly thank Prof. Fabio Grassi from La Sapienza, Prof. ZhumagulovKalkaman, the Dean D.S. Baigunakov, the Head of the Chair R.S. Myrzabekova, as well as my supervisor, PhD, Assoc. Prof. R.O. Sadykova and, finally, all the staff of the History Faculty of KazNU for making this possible.

Melissa Gullo Master,

Student of the specialty “World History” La Sapienza University

Scientific Supervisor:

Raikhan Sadykova,

Assoc. prof. of the Chair of World History,

Historiography and Source Studies