March 14th is the Day of Greetings!

14 march, 2024

Under SDG 11, sustainable cities and human settlements the curator-adviser of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners Sadenova A. E. organized a curatorial educational event in the Russian group dedicated to "Birthday - to see Kuni", which is celebrated as the beginning of the March holiday, the beginning of the new year. This event was held on the theme "March 14 is the day of creation". During the event, foreign students learned that the March holiday begins on the 14th of this month, that is, with the "vision" ritual, which is called the Day of Greeting (i.e. sitting), on this day people go home in the morning, greet adults and greet each other. In addition, it became known that "Korisu " is not only a sitting holiday, when people greet each other and wish all the best, but also a traditional evil for elderly people, where korisiz continues all year round, not limited to one day.

It should be recalled that international students get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the "Day of Vision" through video recordings, which tells about the March holiday "Day of Vision". The event was organized by foreign listeners and reminded that the events of spring and the holiday "Ulystyn uly duni" are Nauryz.