20 march, 2024

In light of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University and within the framework of the International al-Farabi forum, the Faculty of Journalism and the UNESCO Chair on Journalism and Communication, with the support of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty holds the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Models of teaching international journalism for sustainable development" (MTIJ). The conference contributes to communication and interaction among scholars from different countries who promote high standards of education and learning for sustainable development.





Date: April 9, 2024. Starting at 11:00.

Format of the event: hybrid. Online via Zoom platform;

offline at the al-Farabi Library, Conference Hall 409.


Official partners

UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty

Ban Ki-Moon Institute for Sustainable Development at the al-Farabi KazNU

 United Nations Academic Influence Program (UNAI)

PF “Turk Journalists Foundation”

PF “Intermedia Brussels” (Belgium, Brussels)

“Avrupa Media Holding” (Great Britain, London)


Sessions and directions of scientific discussions:

Challenges and new directions for journalism education

  • Media pedagogy - skills of the future
  • Post-professional world of journalism: adaptation of educational programs
  • Algorithms of educational programs on covering migration and refugee issues


International journalism today: risks and opportunities

  • Technologies and social values of modern media: risks of change
  • Algorithmic journalism as a professional tool
  • Post-industrial and atypical journalism: problems of trust


From traditional to sustainable journalism

  • Journalism as the part of the 2030 agenda and the SDG
  • Navigation tasks of a constructive and sensitive journalism
  • Transparency, accountability, and ethical media: the basics of dialogue in the name of peace

The conference will be attended by media executives, editors-in-chief, journalists, representatives of the UN Department of Public Information in Kazakhstan, representatives of embassies and consulates of foreign countries, scientists, and researchers in mass communications from the USA, UK, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, China, Russia, as well as educators, students, undergraduates and PhD-students.

In the framework of the meeting the presentation “Golden middle of the new UNESCO project”, dedicated to the current state of implementation of the UNESCO Chair in Journalism and Communication' Project “Region - Central Asia: Journalism Education on Migration Issues”, carried out under the UNESCO International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC), will take place.

The conference materials will be published in an electronic collection. The main condition  for publication is participation and presentation at the conference. The content of the reports should  correspond to the topic of the conference. The deadline for delivery of materials is March 15, 2024.



  1. The text of the report (article) should be prepared within 5-7 pages in the MS Word. Tables, diagrams and figures should gave titles and be in the formatted using Windows program.
  2. Page parameters: all margins 2 cm.
  3. Font: Times New Roman, Kz Times New Roman, size 14.
  4. Line spacing - 1. Paragraph indent: 1.25 cm.
  5. When using references, it is necessary to indicate the source. The list of literature should be formatted at the end of the text according to the sample. In the text, references to literature should be enclosed in "square" brackets in accordance with the numbering in the order of mention. For example, [1, 156].

The  electronic  version of  the article (report) should be sent to the e-mail: 


The Editorial Board is not responsible for the content of the submitted materials presented in the articles  and reserves the right to choose the reports.


To participate in the conference, you must submit an application in the following form:



  1. Name, middle name, last name (full)                                                              
  2. Academic degree, academic title                                                                       
  3. Establishment, position                                                                            
  4. Address                                                                                                            
  5. Telephone (international code, mobile)                             
  6. E-mail                                                                                                            
  7. Subject of the article                                                                                             

       Preparation of the conference report




The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, al-Farabi, 71, the al-Farabi KazNU

Contact Information: 8 (727) 377 33 33 (int. 1942); +7 (701) 993 90 07; +7 (701) 501 33 43

Shyngyssova Nazgul Tursynbaevna -  Head of the UNESCO Chair on Journalism and Communication, e-mail:, +7 701 993 90 07.

Nurshaikhova Aliya Arnurovna – Deputy Head for Scientific, Innovative Activities and International Cooperation. e-mail:, +7 701 501 33 43.

Dudinova Elena Ivanovna - Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences.  +7 777 173 89 47.