3-rd year student of the specialty «Physical Culture and Sports» of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, master of sports of international class Aitbekov Akezhan at the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in freestyle wrestling among athletes under 23 years old

20 march, 2024

3-rd year student of the specialty «Physical Culture and Sports» of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, master of sports of international class Aitbekov Akezhan at the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in freestyle wrestling among athletes under 23 years old, organized by the Committee of Sports and Physical Culture of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (March 16-19, 2024) took the first place in the 97 kg weight category. A. Aitbekov became the champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received the right to compete at the Asian Championship.

Teaching staff of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of KazNU congratulates A. Aitbekov on this achievement!

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