Action "Save water" in KazNU is gaining momentum

25 march, 2024

The social project "Save Water" has found great support among the students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

On the first day of the environmental action, more than 20 videos of various formats were released in social networks. 
The goal is to implement Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 - "Clean Water and Sanitation".

In his Address to the Nation, the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev noted that "water resource is one of the topical issues in the country. Especially important is the quality of water and its availability to the population. Every year both population and economy of the country are growing. This is a normal phenomenon. Therefore, by 2040s water deficit in Kazakhstan may reach 12-15 billion cubic meters". The head of state also instructed to create a culture of careful water use and conservation of inland water resources.

During the campaign, students promote ways to save water in dormitories, classrooms and households.  The social projects are initiated by the Department of Strategic Development, the Ban Ki-moon Center and the working group to oversee the implementation of the international rating requirements.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University