“Differentiation of income of the population in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - round tableFarabi University

“Differentiation of income of the population in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - round table

25 march, 2024

On March 18, 2024, senior teacher of the Department of Economics Ilyashova G.K. held a round table within the discipline “Labor Economics” on the topic: “Differentiation of income of the population in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in accordance with the goals of SDG-8.

The round table participants examined issues of social protection and the level of income of the population in various aspects, such as differences in income, share of GDP, production potential, social conditions and labor force in different regions of the country. Various programs and initiatives aimed at eliminating inequalities and supporting the most vulnerable sections of the population were reviewed. The event contributed to a deep understanding of the socio-economic problems facing various regions of Kazakhstan and stimulated discussion of possible ways to solve these problems.