Theatrical performance "My profession is my future"
On March 19, 2024, within the framework of SDG 8 - “Decent work and economic growth,” 3rd year students of the specialty “State and Local Governance” presented a theatrical production “My profession is my future.” Choosing a profession and searching for a job are two important stages that every person experiences on his life path. The specialty "State and Local Administration" is one of the most popular in the labor market and is aimed at preparing graduates for public service. Future specialists can work in the following places:
* Administration of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan, the apparatus of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan, various structural divisions of the government of Republic of Kazakhstan;
* Economic and financial management bodies (ministries, departments, agencies);
* Local government bodies (administrations of districts, cities, regions) and executive bodies;
* National public and private companies.