17 february, 2024

According to SDG 3,promoting healthy lifestyles and promoting well – being for all at all ages are important components of sustainable development.

To reduce the number of detection of viral infections among students, curators of the UNESCO Department for Sustainable Development Khamitova K. K. and Dzhexenbayev N. K. on February 17, 2024, held a preventive conversation in the Students ' House on the topic "Methods of protection against viral diseases during the cold season". The purpose of the event is to form an understanding of the prevention and treatment of viral infections, to foster a sense of responsibility for their own health and the health of others.

 The participants of the round table discussed that drug therapy is not always effective, as viruses can change their genotype. Therefore, the main focus of the anti-virus strategy is the prevention of human viral infections. During the event, students expanded their knowledge on ways to develop their own immunity to viral infections, especially during the cold season