Academics from the Department of Middle East and South Asia met with the director of the Miras Maktoob Research Institute

26 march, 2024

Academics of the Department of Middle East and South Asia A.Zh. Boranbaeva and G.A. Kambarbekova, during the trip to Iran, on March 16, 2024, met with the director of the Written Heritage Research Institute of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Akbar Irani. This meeting was attended by a famous orientalist, Ph.D. G.K. Kudaibergenova and Ph.D. invited teacher F. Shakiba.

The Miras Maktoob Research Institute turned thirty this year. Over its thirty-year history, the Institute for the Written Heritage Research Institute has published the texts of more than five hundred manuscripts on religion, philosophy, the Persian language, Persian literature, history, geography, travel, memoirs, and various fields of science, having studied the most ancient and unique manuscripts in the world with scientific comments. Among them, it should be emphasized that this institute was the first to publish the book of Myrza Muhammad Haydar Dulat “Tarikh-i Rashidi”, which is considered a valuable source on the Kazakh Khanate. In addition, this institute is engaged in the research and publication of many valuable written heritages in the Persian language of great historical and geographical significance in the world. That is why the Institute for the Written Heritage Research Institute occupies a special place for domestic orientalists. During this scientific visit, the issue of research and publication of manuscripts telling the history, geography, and culture of the countries of Central Asia was discussed. At the same time, during the meeting, academics of the Iranian Studies group of the Department of Middle East and South Asia of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University exchanged views with the director of the Miras Maktoob Research Institute, Dr. A. Irani, on future cooperation and joint research projects. The Persian-Kazakh phraseological dictionary, which was recently published by teachers of the Iranian Studies group of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia, was presented to the director of the Miras Research Institute Maktoub Akbar Irani. Dr. A. Irani also presented the publication of the Miras Maktub Research Institute to Kazakhstan’s scholars of Iranian Studies. It is expected that joint research projects will be implemented with the Miras Maktoob Research Institute soon.