Teachers of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia took part in the program of the Iranian 4 scientific channel

26 march, 2024

Teachers of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia Boranbayeva A.Zh. and Kambarbekova G. A. visited Iran on March 14-21, 2024 during a business trip.

The main purpose of this visit was to participate in a special program “Sarzamin-i Sher” dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz, organized by the 4th scientific channel of the television and radio association of the Islamic Republic of Iran “Sedo va Simo”. The program was filmed on March 17, 2024. The program was attended by Iranian specialists from many countries celebrating Nauryz. In particular, Armenia, India, Turkey, Pakistan and Kazakhstan. Teachers of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia A. Boranbayeva and G. Kambarbekova took part in this program.  The program discussed in detail the features of the celebration of Nauryz in Kazakhstan and the moments reminiscent of the Nauryz holiday in Iran. In addition, as a shashu for the Nauryz holiday, all Iranian specialists from different countries participated with newly published new editions. Kazakh Iranian specialists brought a recently published Persian-Kazakh Phraseological dictionary to the program and told about it. And an Iranian scholar from Turkey, N.Yildirim, has been translating the book of Shahnameh in 2 volumes from Persian into Turkish for decades. Guests from other countries also did not come empty-handed. During the program, special attention was paid to the fact that the Nauryz holiday is a golden bridge connecting peoples and uluses. In general, such programs will be held annually on Channel 4 of the IIR Broadcasting Association, and a similar program will be organized next year.