A few thoughts about the speech of the president of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the meeting of the National Assembly.

26 march, 2024

The meeting of the National Assembly, which is held for the third time in a row under the chairmanship of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, has a special place for our nation. It was opened in the holy land of Atyrau on the eve of "Korisu Day" of Az-Nauryz holiday.                     
The head of state pointed out that the third meeting was held on the banks of Zhaiyk for no reason, looked into the layers of history, noted the historical and strategic importance of the famous city of Sarayshik, and Kassym Khan, who turned the Kazakh Khanate into a powerful state, was buried here, in short, Sarayshik is a holy city with a special place in our history. emphasized that.                        
I would like to highlight several key points that impressed me from the speech of the head of state at this conference. First of all, if you say that the human factor plays a special role in the fate of the country, he emphasized the importance of the older generation and the younger generation in the development of the state and preservation of social unity. He said that the influence of the representatives of the intelligentsia in shaping the country's ideology and public consciousness is special, he advised to reduce unnecessary debates about the historical figures in the country's history, and to evaluate the history, not to get emotional, but to give a true and objective assessment, not to mince words. One of the next issues raised was about the Kazakh language, a serious and unresolved issue for the Kazakh people. Here, the head of state said that the expansion of the scope of the Kazakh language remains the main direction of the state policy, warmly noted that the Kazakh language has become the language of business, science and technology, the share of works in the Kazakh language in large bookstores has increased, and there are many works in the business direction. The main thing was to do real things without forcing anyone and without shouting.  Another news worth noting is the issue of generalization of book reading in our country, especially among young people. I think that the idea of ​​building a modern library that works 24 hours a day especially pleased the readership.  One thing that should be emphasized in this report is that it is very important to note that the great Zhoshi, which is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year, is the foundation of the Kazakh state, and that the understanding of the Golden Horde in the international arena should be directly related to Kazakhstan, from a historical point of view, in terms of geo-political strategic weight, be it symbolic. I would say the content.   At this conference, many proposals and ideas that have a special impact on the spiritual and cultural life of our country and people were presented, for example, to include and protect famous historical places and nature reserves in the UNESCO heritage list, to improve laws related to the field of archeology, to regulate licensing and archaeological the issue of strengthening the punishment for illegal mining,in order to strengthen our national identity, to celebrate Nauryz holiday in order to preserve the spiritual independence of our country and to strengthen it, to respond to the traditional religion of the majority of Turkic peoples, including the Kazakhs - the Hanafi school of Sunni orientation, the medieval scholar Al-Farabi from the Kazakh soil, the Great of Islam paying special attention to the deep study and glorification of the heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, who made a huge contribution to the spread and spreading of Sufi teachings in the Turkic world, the special role played by the national bourgeoisie in the development of the state, etc. The issues that are in the mind and attention of many countries and society were emphasized and conclusive thoughts were expressed.         
Every issue raised by the head of the state at this National Congress was a meaningful, strategically important message that greatly influenced the future development of the country, the stability of the society, the sharpening and growth of people's intelligence, the belief in the future of the country, created a great goal and had a great influence on honest service and work on the way. I say with confidence.                    
      Nurtalip Sharipkazyuly, senior teacher of the Department of Chinese department .