Innovative startup projects presented to the treasury

5 february, 2024

Scientists from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in the VI Digital Almaty 2024 digital forum and presented innovative startup projects.

The International Digital Forum is attended by government officials, leading experts and scientists, and entrepreneurs from the SCO and EAEU countries.

Industry experts exchange ideas and new practices aimed at shaping a new era of the digital industry.

As part of the business program, participants will analyze the topics of digital transformation and innovative solutions in the spheres of Govtech, Industry 4.0, ESG, Smart City, discuss new proposals of leading experts and projects within the framework of the exhibition of innovative technologies.

Scientists presented startup projects "modernization of digital content of tourism: mobile applications, panoramic 3D tours, interactive maps and QR codes", "innovative designer of small spacecrafts for STEM-education", "water resources monitoring system based on artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things" and others at the exhibition within the forum.

Mobile application TOURISMQAZ, developed by the scientists of the university, is an automated system for managing transportation, accommodation, meals, guides, instructors and interpreters, entertainment and other tourist services.

Also, the scientists developed an information-analytical system of water resources of the Ile-Balkhash basin and presented a web map of ontology data.

The project "production of innovative designers of small spacecraft for educational institutions" is implemented on the basis of the Center for Procedural Innovations of the University with the support of JSC "Science Foundation". It is aimed at the development of space robotics, as well as STEM-education in schools and universities of the country. The Alfasat constructor is planned to be implemented in colleges and universities of the country.