Cooperation in the field of medicine will grow

12 february, 2024

Mr. Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, met with Mr. Kim Boo Sop, General Director of Hyundai Hospital in South Korea.

At the meeting, the rector of the university told the guest of honor about the achievements and further plans of the Treasury and voiced proposals aimed at expanding cooperation.

"At present, the partnership between Kaznu and universities of South Korea is dynamically developing. We are interested in further development of the connection. Today, with the support of the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, the II stage of construction of the Kaznu town is being realized. According to the plan, a polyclinic will be built in the town. The medical center will house a polyclinic, faculty of medicine and health care. In this context, I propose to open a medical center together with Hyundai Hospital in this building," the rector said.

In turn, the guest of honor thanked the rector of the university for the warm welcome. In his speech, Kim Bu Seop made a number of proposals, noting that he supports these initiatives.

"South Korea is among the top three in the world in medicine. At present, our state is working tirelessly to further develop medicine. Hyundai Hospital has qualified professors and scientists.

Our goal is to become one of the top 10 hospitals in South Korea. We are always ready to develop relations with the government. I believe it is necessary to hold joint scientific conferences, symposiums and meetings in the future," said Kim Bu-seop.
At the meeting, the head of the Treasury Zhanseit Tuimebayev and General Director of Hyundai Hospital Kim Bu Seop signed a memorandum of understanding on medical direction.
At the meeting, the parties agreed on the systematic implementation of these initiatives and exchanged memorable gifts.