26 march, 2024

On the threshold of the International Day of Water Resources (Water Day - March 22), which was proclaimed in 1992 by the UN in order to draw attention to the problems of water resources and stimulate action to conserve them, the master students of the 1st year of the Hydrology Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University conducted a survey on the search for solutions to conserve water resources. The results of the survey are encouraging, as the respondents understand and realize the importance of careful attitude to water and that it should start with each of us.

Kazakhstan, with its significant water potential in the form of rivers, lakes and groundwater, faces serious challenges in the management and use of water resources. Water resources of the country are traditionally estimated by the volume of annual surface water runoff, and it averages 100 km³. In Kazakhstan, water resources are much larger than is commonly believed. The threshold value of water stress occurs at the provision of 1700 m³ of water per person per year. In Kazakhstan, this indicator is 5500 m³. Despite the sufficient amount of water resources, there is a problem of its availability, which is solved at the state level. It should also be noted that water resources of the country are distributed unevenly both on the territory of the country and by seasons. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about 60% of the country's territory is subject to water scarcity, and in recent years the situation has only worsened due to climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressure.
So, what can we do to preserve water resources according to our students?
1. Reduce domestic water consumption: favor showers over baths. It has been estimated that one full bath will require on average three times as much water for a person as a 5-7 minute shower. Close the faucet while brushing your teeth. If 15 liters of water flows out of the faucet in 1 minute, 90 liters will flow out in 6 minutes. If you use a glass when brushing your teeth, 400 ml of water will be wasted per day (2 glasses of 200 ml). When washing your hands, do not open the tap as far as it will go. On average, if you do not open the tap all the way, you can save: 3-4 liters of water for quick hand washing (10-15 sec), 5-6 liters of water for standard hand washing (20-30 sec), 8-10 liters of water for thorough hand washing (40-60 sec). Do not wash dishes under running water. Use a basin or sink with a plug. If you normally wash dishes under running water with a strong flow for 10 minutes, you can save 150 liters of water at a time by switching to a basin/sink with a plug! Fix water leaks in the house. Up to 2000 liters of water per year escapes through a faucet that drips water (10 drops per minute).
2. Use water-saving techniques:
Install an aerator nozzle on the faucet. It saturates the water with air, making the stream softer and reducing water consumption. Choose appliances with a high energy efficiency class (appliances of class "A", "A+", "A++"). These models use less water and less electricity. Use rainwater harvesting systems. Rainwater can be used to water plants, wash your car, or for other purposes.
3. Support water conservation initiatives:
Join campaigns and programs to conserve water. Tell your friends and family about the importance of water conservation. Support organizations that are dedicated to protecting water resources.
Small steps by each individual can lead to significant water savings and set the stage for a sustainable future. Water stewardship requires global cooperation and the conscious participation of everyone. It is not only a task for scientists and governmental structures, but also for every citizen who realizes the importance of water for life on Earth and is ready to contribute to its conservation.

Ainur MUSINA Candidate of Geological Sciences,

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Meteorology and Hydrology